An experienced end user Richard Hedrick comments about our Trevoce 10DSP
Comments in italic by Simon Spears – OSD Director of sales
I am a PE (Professional Engineer) in controls systems engineering by trade with a BS in electrical engineering, so playing with the DSP is scratching an itch nicely. I had been interested in the concept of a DSP being integrated into the plate amp (for subs) since I saw a similar Dayton amp on part-express. I was going to pick up their version of the plate amp with DSP a few weeks ago but they have been OOS for a long bit. I found your black Friday sale too enticing (good job on that!). Reading up on your website and watching some quality YouTube content (you can thank JoeNTell for directing me your way). I realized there seem to be 3 versions of the Trevoce 10 and I was confused about the differences between the EQ DSP and DSP versions. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
(The difference between the EQ version and yours is as follows:
The original model was tuned for maximum output in the critical range between 40 and 80 Hz. This is where most bass is found in movies and music and, when using an AVR, the cross-over point is usually 80Hz. In that range, the original model delivers fast, accurate, low-distortion bass at high levels, but trades-off some extension below 30 Hz. We believed that those customers wanting more extension could use the built-in DSP to trade some output for an extension. All subwoofers are a compromise between maximum SPL (how loud they play) and maximum extension (how low they go). With our DSP you can reduce maximum SPL and increase extension.)
I am VERY pleased with the sub that you guys sent me. The sub has been fun to integrate into my system, though my wife asked me to back it off a bit. It seems like she and I have a different understanding of how forward the bass should be 🙂. The learning curve has been pretty straightforward once I figured out the UI. I am still adjusting things to suit the different profiles for home theater and listening needs. I was very surprised about how musical the sub is IF tuned for it. Very Fast, nicely tight bass. The comment about a max extension does ring true especially for horns so to see it applied in the passive radiator has been a treat.
(……..almost all other sub-woofer brands (REL are an exception) focus on maximum extension (believing that that is what customers are most interested in) this led to some criticism by reviewers. Consequently, with no easy way for customers to listen before they buy, our sales suffered. The EQ version was developed to overcome this. We built-in an EQ curve that traded max SPL for extension, figuring that customers could then use the DSP to reverse that if they wanted to. Our built-in DSP is extremely powerful and inherently complex. The biggest limitation is the microphone in your phone which is not accurate below 50Hz. Unless you use an external microphone your results below 50Hz cannot be accurately measured or displayed. Above 50Hz it is accurate and can provide a way of dealing with room acoustics and can aid integration with the main speakers.)
Richard concludes:
This is my first tuned passive radiator system that I have had the pleasure of playing with. I listened to a few Sunfires but never had one at the house. A bit of background, I have been messing with home and car audio since the late ’90s. I have built many custom subs for both home and car. Lots of custom sealed, 4th and 5th order subs, even a few folded horns (Decware Designs). I still run a coupled folded horn in the back of my Tahoe with four old Rockford HE10’s, it checks in around 9 cu ft. My tastes lean towards sq, so older JBL stuff and really old DynaAudio. I have some vintage Pioneer receivers from the 70s as well. I am currently using an old Yamaha RXV2600 with the Trevoce10 DSP. So the added smarts are appreciated. I prefer a 2.1 system for music and the sub has been doing a great job with that.
Trevoce 10DSP
Trevoce 10EQDSP
*Recently our Trevoce 12EQDSP received a great review from Sound&Vision.com which you can read all about here: https://www.soundandvision.com/content/osd-black-trevoce-12-….*